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Avis sur l’entreprise (4)
4.1 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
Product arrived with a defect on the central board. Tested when turning on the machine and sent to the seller. 5 days to try to solve it and it doesn't work. engineer does not respond. Replacement par

Réponse du fournisseur :

Dear, so sorry to see your comment. We attach great importance to the feedback from each customer and will take your feedback seriously. Please rest assured that our engineers have provided the best solution to ensure an improved shopping experience.
05 Mar 2024
    Machine à coudre de dentelle ultrasonique JT-60-Q
    430,00 $US - 520,00 $US / pièce

    Réponse du fournisseur :

    Dear, your positive feedback are the driving force behind our progress, and we sincerely appreciate your feedback. We will continue to maintain strict control over our products and provide you with the highest quality service and products. Thank you again for your support and trust!
    05 Mar 2024
    Voir tous les avis
    Astuces vidéo
    Machine à coudre à ultrasons à deux moteurs
    Machine à souder à poignée à ultrasons
    Fabricant de machine à coudre ultrasonique
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